Unique & Beautiful Special Sections
We have designed specific areas where families may purchase a group of interment spaces or crypts within unique specific boundaries. With an eye toward a return to the family plot, Inglewood Park Cemetery offers enclosed courts or family rooms where multiple family members may plan to remain together. In addition, those areas designed to accommodate large upright family monuments also have the capacity to hold several interments adjacent to one another.

Vista del Lago
Overlooking the Lake of Memories, Vista del Lago Family Estates stands out as one of the most unique and beautiful locations in the cemetery. This new and innovative development incorporates both full burial and cremation options in the shade of mature trees.
Vista del Lago features 94 double-capacity niches in the Uccelli in Volo (“Birds in Flight”) Columbarium. Mounted atop the Columbarium, a uniquely commissioned bronze sculpture, handmade in Parma, Italy, depicts a flock of birds rising in flight. It also features an interior ossuary for affordable cremation placements.
This newly developed area also offers double capacity lawn spaces, family estates, and memorial benches.

Alta Mesa
Alta Mesa joins a beautiful garden mausoleum with double-depth lawn crypts. Visitors enjoy a gazebo centerpiece and bubbling fountains at the front entrance. Crossing pedestrian walks provide easy access to the lawns, and a stone pass-through creates a rear entrance to and from the area.
Built in 1988, Alta Mesa is the final resting place of local pastor and founder of the Gospel Music Workshop of America, Rev. James Cleveland.

Montcrest Estates
A lawn crypt section developed in 2006, Montcrest Estates features a central family estate section. This area occupies a former cemetery road between Montcrest and Myrtle Plots, with paved walkway and plenty of shade trees on a gentle slope.

Del Ivy Estates
Developed in 2007 in Del Ivy Plot, Del Ivy Estates features a lawn crypt section along with family estates in one of the oldest sections of the cemetery. Lined with mature shade trees, it is surrounded by some of the earliest family plots and upright monuments in the cemetery.

Garden of Chimes Family Estates
Garden of Chimes Family Estates are walled sections incorporated into the Garden of Chimes Mausoleum and Lawn Crypt development. Each enclosed section is owned by an individual family and is designed to accommodate several family members. A wrought iron gate bearing the family name is a unique feature of each estate section.

Lakeview Estates
Overlooking the beautiful Lake of Memories, Lakeview Estates is comprised of family estates and lawn crypts. The lower, lake-facing feature of this area is the Rosen Estate, a granite sarcophagus shaded by a granite baldechin (stone canopy).

Memorial Vista
The lovely Memorial Vista is a lawn crypt section developed in 1995, which lies between “B” Plot and Memorial Plot. It is accessible by a walkway that runs the length of the area. Former L.A. County Supervisor, Kenneth Hahn, is interred in Memorial Vista.
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