You may now make your monthly payment online! The “Pay Online” button below will take you to a secure payment page. You can feel confident that your personal and financial information is protected. Your payment will be applied to your account within two business days. If, for any reason, you believe you’ve made an error in your payment, please see our Refund Policy here.
Please note: Only payments on existing accounts may be made through this system. Payments for pending services must be made through your Memorial Counselor, or by visiting our Main Office, to ensure there will be no delays. Thank you for your understanding.
NOTE: We recommend that users only use the Chrome Browser at this time. Recomendamos que los usuarios utilicen únicamente el navegador Chrome en este momento.

Below, we have provided forms for some common requests we frequently receive. If you do not see an option that fits your needs, please contact us.
Click the link to download the form to your computer; and open with Adobe Reader to fill out form. Print, sign in ink, and return to Inglewood Park Cemetery, Attn: Account Services Department, at the address below.
720 East Florence Ave.
Inglewood, CA 90301
I have a new address
I have a new phone number
I have changed my name
I wish to change my payment date
I wish to increase my ACH payment amount (TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE)
I wish to enroll in or be removed from the “Check Free” Automatic Payment Program (ACH)
I wish to update my bank account for the “Check Free” Automatic Payment Program (ACH)
I wish to suspend or resume my automatic debit payment (TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE)
I need copies of my documents
ACH stands for “Automated Clearing House.” Essentially, your payment is made by means of an automatic monthly debit from your bank account. Many people pay their utility bills, car payments, and other monthly payments this way. You will still get a monthly statement, but you do not have to write a check, buy a money order, or bring cash into our business office. It’s convenient, timely and worry-free. Best of all, you save on interest charges!
If a payment is made in error, we will refund the full amount (or any portion thereof) upon request. The refund will be credited back to the card used to make the payment within two (2) business days. We regret that the payment system does not allow the payer to cancel a payment made in error.
Please contact Account Services at (310) 680-2655 to request this refund. You will need to provide the following information to receive the credit back to your card:
- the full 16-digit card number;
- the full name as it appears on the card;
- the billing address on the card account;
- the expiration date of the card; and
- the security code.
Please note, we cannot issue a credit back to the card without this information. If you prefer not to provide this information, we will issue a check, which could take up to 30 days. The refund check will be mailed to the cardholder whose name appears on the online payment record at the address provided when the payment was made.
Request Info